Easy Content Marketing To Build A Brand With Teena Hughes

008 How Simple Videos Can Bring You Clients | Youtube, Simple SEO, Video Marketing, Unscrupulous SEO Companies, Boost your business with quick little videos



Posting a series of videos on Youtube about "simple SEO" was a great idea, and one guy was so excited after watching the videos that he rang me at night to tell me! If you haven't started using video marketing yet, you should - really - there's no excuse any more. Creating simple videos about your office, staff, products and services make you appear approachable and friendly, so that when people are doing their research online, they'll stay longer on your site because they like how normal and down-to-earth you are. Listen to my story of Ted, his SEO trials and tribulations, and his eventual success - I think you'll enjoy it! Cheers Teena Hughes - http://Bizmarketinginabox.com