Easy Content Marketing To Build A Brand With Teena Hughes

013 Unexpected Press Coverage & Mobile Websites Q&As



Hi there this is Teena Hughes of BizMarketinginaBox.com -- and my PODCAST called BUILD A BRAND, NOT JUST A WEBSITE. Today is Podcast EPISODE 13 and I have three questions from business owners which you might find interesting. Every single day business and website owners are faced with a ton of demands on their time, which can be pretty overwhelming. I get many questions, and I'd like to share a couple I've received from folks just like you. The first is about Sally who got a great writeup in the press, but didn't have a sign-up form on her site to capture some leads from all the traffic generated. The second is about Barry, a local plumber, who doesn't have a website. The third is about Dave, an 80 year old chap who's written a book and is selling it via his website - but his arthritis is a problem when he wants to update his website, so I came up with an easy solution for him. Maybe you'll have some tips too. Don't forget -- if you have any questions, suggestions or comments, I'd LOVE to hear from you! Ciao