Equiconnect Equine Podcast

Equine Body Work With Marnie Raymond



Your horse benefits from the knowledge and experience from a team approach by equine health care workers. We would like to welcome Marnie Raymond to our team and to this podcast episode to introduce new https://www.mckeepownall.ca/equine-body-work (Equine Body Work) services offered by McKee-Pownall Equine Services: Equine Massage PEMF Equine Physio Taping Marnie has been a Certified Equine Massage Therapist for 16 years and adds PEMF and Equine Physio Tape to her modality toolbox. 

Our veterinarians and Marnie work closely to ensure your horse benefits from continuity of care. She will provide these services at your farm and our Rehabilitation Facility.  Whether your horse is getting ready for the show season, recovering from an injury or you just want to pamper them for the hard work they do talk to Marnie or one of our veterinarians to create a plan right for your horse. If you have any questions about Equine Body Work or would like to book an appointment please reach out to info@mpequine.com