Gartner Thinkcast

Mastering Leadership Politics



Culture. It’s the No. 1 challenge executives face in the digital era. Gartner expert Tina Nunno offers practical advice for CIOs and IT leaders on how to tackle the challenge head on, with a mix of Machiavellian strategies and political maneuvering — including how to know if you’re predator or prey within your organization and when to move from defense to offense. If IT is not within your purview, listen in because the tips Tina shares help all executives navigate the C-suite. Bonus: Audience Q&A.    RELATED LINKS Buy book: The Wolf in CIO’s Clothing, by Tina Nunno Take quiz: Are You a Wolf CIO?  Learn more: Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ Read more: Why CIOs Need to Move From Offense to Defense Watch now: CIO Power Politics: How to Say No Assertively Watch now: CIO Power Politics: Discover Hidden Agendas