The Tatiana Moroz Show!

On Location • ETH Denver: Jessica Levesque & Michael Perklin of the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium and James Waugh of Enigma



Tatiana comes to you from the ETH Denver, the world’s largest hackathon for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers, and developers. In a two part interview, she sits down with Jessica Levesque and Michael Perklin from the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4) and James Waugh from Enigma and the Rare Art Festival. The CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium, or C4 for short, is a non-profit that provides certifications to professionals who perform cryptocurrency related services. Michael and Jessica give some history into the forming of C4 and the inspiration for providing certifications for crypto. They give some details on the testing process, where to find their online courses and information for the company’s blockchain training conference. James Waugh Joins Tatiana for the second half of the show. James is a community experience manager for Enigma, a decentralized open-source protocol that allows anyone to perform computations on encrypted data bringing privacy to smart contr