Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Positive Mindset = Positive Outcomes, with Amanda Peterson, Life and Success Coach



Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal, and make a bigger impact. This week: All about shifting your mindset to untap your full potential. . . Do you ever catch yourself saying things about and to yourself that you would never say to anyone? Like "I'm stupid", or the most common one among women "I am fat".  The words we use to talk to ourselves have a huge influence on how we feel about ourselves, determining the way we perform in our everyday lives. This week, Amanda Peterson and I talked about how Positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes and help you achieve anything you set up to in life.  Amanda Peterson is a life and success coach for moms who are so over meeting everyone else's demands and ready to define life on their terms from here on out.   Whether you are looking to switch careers, start a business, or passion project, you know that there is more to life than ju