Newark Today

With NPS Local Control in Sight, Parents Voice Concerns



We’ll be discussing local control of Newark Public Schools during our live broadcast of Newark Today Thursday October 19 at 8PM. We invite the community to be a part of the audience at Express Newark in the downtown district’s historic Hahne’s building. Your host, NJTV’s Michael Hill will be joined by city Mayor Ras Baraka and a panel of guests. Doors open tonight at 7:15. Newark Today live October 19 at 8PM on WBGO and Now that Newark Public Schools are in position to regain control of governance from the state, parents are asking if the city is ready. “To be honest with you I’m not really sure,” said Alexis Jones of Parents Educating Parents, a Newark based organization that advises families towards educational success for their children. “As a parent, I think I should have a say in what happens with my child’s education.” “There you have it. We have a parent that is unsure and that should never happen in the district.” Yolonda Johnson is the founder of Parents Educating