Modules Unraveled Podcast

076 Omega 4.x with Sebastian Siemssen and Matt Smith - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Omega 4.x * Omega 3 vs. Omega 4 No Layout Builder UI No predefined breakpoints No dependency on Omega Tools or need for Delta. * Sass, Compass & SMACSS * How does this work with Panels? * Will this be the route going forward for D8? * BEM class naming Syntax * Core CSS Cleanup Easier to override Split up stylesheets * Omega Layouts * Development tools (Guard / Grunt, LiveReload, etc.) * Manage assets (exclude CSS/JS, move JS to footer) * Manage browser compatibility (Chrome Frame, conditional classes, etc.) * Split up preprocess, process and theme functions * Drush Integration     * drush help --filter="omega" * Ohm ## Use Cases * What prompted the major overhaul?     * This reminds me of the conversation going on around D8 right now.     * How long can people keep using 3.x? * What does this mean for site-builders? * What does it mean for themers? * How does Omega 4.x compare to other base themes like AdaptiveTheme and Aurora? * When should we expect a stable release? ## Questions from Twitter *