Modules Unraveled Podcast

084 Global Sprint Weekend 2014 with Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Drupal Global Sprint Weekend * What is the Global Sprint Weekend all about? * When is it? Where is it?      * January 25, 2014 and January 26, 2014: Oak Park Sunday Jan 26 Manchester, UK, January 25th, 2014, added by mikebell_ * We’ve had these before, so how did 2013 go? March 2013 more than 33 locations around the world.  gabor held one in budepest hungary  jenlampton, steveoliver, joelpittet did multiple locations for twig in CA at Promet in Chicago stevepurkiss in brighton England comm-press had a two day sprint in Hamburg Germany, Wunderkraut in Munich Australia with Adam Malone, PreviousNext in Sydney Shyamala really made an impression on me, organized one in India soo many! Oak Park where I met Will Long from Fox Valley, David Snopek, and Crell came! We had 12 people in total, and ranging in age from 10 years old to 60, almost half female. Manning Pete came, and is now a reliable regular at our monthly sprint. How do ne