Modules Unraveled Podcast

110 All About Sprints at DrupalCon Austin with Joe Shindelar, Brian Gilbert, Stéphane Corlosquet, Scott Reeves and Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Sprints * What topics/areas of Drupal will be sprinted on?   * Contribution Sprints   * Get involved with Core - (Workshop)   * Core Mentoring - (Sprints) * Who should come to the sprints? (short overview)   * Why do YOU attend sprints?   * What do you do when you want to sprint and mentor? * What do we need to know before coming to the sprints? * What do we need to bring? (c:where stuck)   * Who should go to Get involved with Core - (Workshop) * What happens at the workshop? * By the end what tools do most people have set up?   * Web Stack   * IRC client   * Editor ?   *    * Joe what role have you had in the past? * What do you do to get ready to prepare/present the workshop? * Is it a big commitment for you?   * Brian G what role .. * Brian G what big change are you excited about?    * Funding      * Problems with fundus        * Paypal, if you don’t meet your goal        * network at event for btsync      *gittip (can’t     * Community Tools Changes       * (Brian G) What was invo