Modules Unraveled Podcast

115 Drupal Core Gittip Team with Jennifer Hodgdon, Bojhan Somers Alex Pott and Cathy Theys - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## GitTip * What is GitTip? How does it work?     * What is a GitTip team?     ## Drupal Core GitTip Team * How did the Drupal Core team come about? What prompted it’s genesis?     * Who is the organizer of the Drupal Core team, and who is benefiting from it? 19 members, Alex and Cathy are administering the group, a couple are on vacation. 16 others are taking money.   * On the GitTip page it says your goal is $5,000 US/week. What would that cover? Cathy: This week is the first week that we will not be able to fund the modest goal of giving people $64/week. The past few weeks we have been paying out $700. We have now eaten all our balance and have only $350 coming in this week. The $5k goal is what a guess at funding 6 people about ¼ time.   * What have you all been working on lately as a result of this funding? Cathy: tips are for work already done, so… I'm not sure. Maybe it motivates future work, or planning to be able to do future work? Jen? Bojhan? What has this funding enabled you to do?