Modules Unraveled Podcast

126 What Varnish Can and Can't Do for Your Drupal Site with Dan Reif - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Performance Optimization * Before we dive deep into Varnish, I’d like to get a feel for the various performance improvements anyone can make to speed up their Drupal. What’s the process you think through when optimizing a site?     * DB Tuning     * Boost     * Memcache     * Redis     * APC     * Varnish     * Module Choices!   ## Varnish * What exactly is Varnish? * When researching Drupal performance optimization, I came across a lot of references to APC and Varnish. What is the difference? * Is this for anonymous or authenticated traffic? * Is the Varnish module required to utilize Varnish with Drupal? * What are the steps needed to install and utilize Varnish? (Broad terms, not actual terminal commands) * Does SSL affect Varnish? * What doesn’t Varnish do? (What needs to be done by Drupal, or other software instead?) * How does Varnish affect a dev/staging/live workflow? Does Varnish need to be instlaled on the local machine?