Modules Unraveled Podcast

138 Organize and Manage Your Drupal Projects Using Dropfort with Mathew Winstone - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Dropfort * What is Dropfort?     * Dropfort is a suite of tools to develop and manage Drupal applications.   On the development side, it integrates with GitHub and GitLab to track commits, issues and tags. It then packages releases based on those tags and lets you share those releases with your Drupal sites. Same way you tag and create releases on The only difference is the released modules are private. Meaning a site that wants to use those modules needs to authenticate to download them.   For example, if you want to download a custom module to your site from dropfort, you can just do a “drush dl mymodule --source=”. Dropfort generates the same XML data for its modules as does for contrib modules. Meaning the Update module works with Dropfort, all your Drush commands work and Drush make works too. It’s all pretty seamless. The only difference with our XML is that it's not publicly available. Your site has to be allowed to see the updat