Modules Unraveled Podcast

158 Using the Group module as an Alternative to Organic Groups in Drupal 7 and 8 with Kristiaan Van den Eynde - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Group Module* What is the Group module? * A really awesome tool to basically create subsites within one site, private content, manage groups of people or all that combined.* Why did you create it instead of just using OG? * OG DX experience...* There are versions for D7 and D8. Which are you more focused on? * D8* How is the Group module different from Organic Groups? * Good question! The key difference is how the modules decide to structure their data, how that affects the user flow and how the configuration model is built.* What is the underlying architecture? OG uses entityreferences heavily. How does Group work? * Dedicated Group Entity* What’s the status? Is it usable now? (D7 and D8) * Available for Drupal 7 and 8, with the 8 version being a large improvement over D7. There’s a few minor things I need to add to the D8 version, but it looks and works great already!* Is there much difference between the Drupal 7 and 8 version? * Yes and no: the key concept remains the same, but the UX and data model wa