Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

How to Listen to Your Heart



The best way to listen to your inner guidance is to quiet the rest of your mind. The part of your mind that dishes blame, worry, stress and negative self judgment. The fastest way to get out of that monkey mind, is to get into the body, through movement or grounding. Your heart and soul are constantly talking, it is just that your mind is too distracting.  In this podcast, I share with you how to clear your head, get out of your own mind, and get connected with your body! I hope this podcast about listening to your heart serves you in finding hope. Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ========================================­=== Get a happiness re-boot in the midst of your busy/crazy life 20 ways to calm from anxiety and panic: Helping kids with anxiety: ========================================­Find me here: Follow me on twitter: Get notified when Jodi