Love Yourself Up With Jodi Aman

Why You Are Afraid of Other People Judging You



Why You Are Afraid of Other People Judging You- Who Cares What They Think? "What anyone says about you is none of your damn business." We spend a lot of time wondering and worrying about what other people are thinking (about us). Mostly because they could be pretty judgmental in their thoughts. I have news -it doesn't matter. What they think is a product of themselves - not of you. It is their own overworking mind and you are not responsible to fix it. I hope this episode about fear of others judging you serves you in finding hope.  Get my book "You 1 Anxiety 0" here: ========================================­=== Find happiness in the midst of your busy/crazy life 20 ways to calm from anxiety and panic: Helping kids with anxiety: ========================================­ Find me here: Follow me on twitter: Why You Are Afraid of Other People Judging You corre