Lawyer 2 Lawyer - Law News And Legal Topics

DACA, DREAMers, and the Threat of Deportation



After the recording of this podcast, President Trump mentioned that he would work with Democrats on DACA and immigration policy. As of today, a potential "DACA deal" with Democrats remains unclear.  Due to the developing nature of this issue, the information in this podcast may be incorrect or outdated though still relevant. Please keep this in mind upon listening. On September 5th of 2017, President Trump's administration said they would rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Back in June of 2012, DACA was put in place by the Obama Administration to protect immigrants without legal status who came to the United States as children. President Trump’s call to end DACA now heads to Congress to find a solution for the population that was previously eligible under the policy. Just this week, the state of California filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration for its decision to rescind DACA. On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, hosts Bob Ambrogi and Craig Williams join Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow in t