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The Infamous Skyjacker D.B. Cooper



On November 24th, 1971, an unidentified man hijacked a commercial airliner heading out of Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon. According to reports, the man had checked in as "Dan Cooper" later referred to, by the press, as D.B. Cooper, and purchased a one way ticket to Seattle, Washington. After his list of demands had been met in Seattle, D.B. Cooper let the passengers go but kept the flight crew on board to make his way to Mexico. Somewhere between Washington and Reno, Nevada, Cooper parachuted out of the back of the Boeing 727, never to be seen again. The actual identity of D.B. Cooper has mystified the public for decades. To this day his remains have never been found. So who is D. B. Cooper? And will his true identity ever be revealed? Today on Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Laurence Colletti, guest co-host Jared Correia, and special guest, attorney Mark Zaid, founding partner of Mark S. Zaid, PC., discuss the mystery behind D.B. Cooper. Mark speaks about representing the team of private investigat