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Bail Reform & Controversy & SB10



The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution states: “Excessive bail will not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.” On August 28th, 2018, Governor Jerry Brown of California signed into law the California Money Bail Reform Act, more commonly known as SB10. This legislation eliminates cash bail replacing it with a “risk assessment” of an individual and will go into effect in October of 2019. After a 2 year push, SB10 was approved with largely Democratic support, but faced heavy opposition from many including the bail industry. In addition, original co-sponsors of the bill, including the ACLU of California, changed positions after an eleventh hour change to SB10, stating that the bill granted too much power to the courts, thus creating “racial biases and disparities that permeate our justice system.” On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams joins attorney Jeff Clayton, the executive director of the American Bail Coalition and attorney Shima Baradaran Baughman, a profes