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The California Fires & Dealing with Natural Disasters



In November 2018, destructive fires erupted across the state of California, including the devastating “Woolsey Fire” and “Camp Fire”. The “Camp Fire” killed at least 85 people, destroyed 14,000 residences and 296 people are still unaccounted for, becoming both California's deadliest and most destructive wildfire on record. On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams is joined by Dan Wade, Tiela Chalmers, and Michael Hart to discuss the recent California fires, the impact and aftermath, how to prepare for natural or man-made disasters and how attorneys can get involved with assisting disaster survivors. Attorney Dan Wade is the 2018-2019 coordinator of the ABA Young Lawyer’s Division’s Disaster Legal Services Program. Tiela Chalmers is CEO and general counsel of the Alameda County Bar Association and founder of Disaster Law Help Northern California (formerly known as the Bay Area Resilience Collaborative). Michael Hart is the news desk manager at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s headquarters in Washington