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Predictions on the Mueller Report



Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation initially was to look at the 2016 election and the Russian government's efforts to interfere but the investigation has since ballooned. Currently at 19 months, the Mueller investigation could be close to wrapping up and Mueller could potentially be releasing his final report soon. So what will the Mueller report reveal? Will it reveal anything? And will we see more sentencing, charges and additional investigations? On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams is joined by attorney Frank O. Bowman III, the Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor of Law at the University of Missouri School of Law and returning guest, attorney Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, to look at the year ahead, share some predictions on the special counsel’s investigation, and what could be revealed in the Mueller report. Attorney Frank O. Bowman III is the Floyd R