Lawyer 2 Lawyer - Law News And Legal Topics

The Legalities Surrounding the U.S. Airstrike



At the top of the New Year, President Trump ordered an airstrike killing Iranian Commander Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds military force. President Trump justified the action by citing Soleimani's decades long tension with the U.S., threats directed towards Americans, and the killing of an American contractor near the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. The question today is, was the airstrike legal? On today’s Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams is joined by attorney Bradley P. Moss from the Law Office of Mark S. Zaid, P.C and professor Rebecca Ingber, an expert in international and national security law, bureaucracy, and presidential power at Boston University School of Law, as they discuss the legal issues surrounding the airstrike, the circumstances that prompted it, and its potential ramifications both domestic and international. Special thanks to our sponsors, Blue J Legal.