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States Regulating Protests



According to The Hill, Republican lawmakers in 34 states have introduced more than 80 anti-protest bills thus far in the 2021 legislative session.  In Florida, Governor Ron Desantis recently signed an ‘anti-riot’ bill into law that states, in part, that a driver may avoid liability "for injury or death caused if fleeing for safety from a mob.” And Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a similar bill into law as well, requiring that the driver "unintentionally harm[s] protesters in fleeing said protests". So is this legislation constitutional? Does it infringe on an individual's First Amendment’s right to peacefully protest? Or is this a necessary deterrent to combat violence at protests? On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, host Craig Williams is joined by attorney Jeff Lewis, from Jeff Lewis Law, to discuss states regulating protests through legislation, how such laws intersect with the First Amendment, and the impact on those who protest.