Truth Encounter: Jonah Podcast

Three Days and Three Nights (Jonah 1:4-17;Matthew 12:38-41)



How do we feel about the people around us, especially unbelievers? I’m afraid that some of us don’t really care. Jonah didn’t care about the sailors in his boat. A guy that is asleep in the hold while everybody else on the ship is coming unglued doesn't care about the destiny of others. The sailors pray to any god who might listen—to Dagon, the Philistine god, maybe Astarte, the female consort of Baal, or to Horus, the Egyptian God. Any god that might listen. Anything to stop the storm. What’s God’s man doing? Sleeping! Are we asleep while folks on deck are about to die? Are we asleep, like Jonah, in the hold of our own little ship?