Runaway Franchise

045: Lethal Weapon 3 – The Runaway Franchise Podcast



The Runaway Boyz are 2 weeks away from retiring this franchise but for now are back on duty with this week's investigation on 1992's Lethal Weapon 3. It was a challenge to parse through the seemingly cocaine fueled plot, sub-plots, sub-sub-plots, sub-sub-sub-plots…but the boyz definitely figured it all out…definitely…Okay-okay-okay-okay--run to the nearest vehicle, yell like a maniac until the driver gives you control of their vehicle and then blast this episode on your radio! In the Lobby: We say Happy Birthday to one of our listeners! We also ask for your emails on embarrassing times where people keep bothering you during a relaxing bath. Email/tweet/instagram it so we can tell it to the world on the lobby! The Runaway Franchisees are: Dom Delledera ( Ed Jelley ( Tom Napolitano ( Home page ( Subscribe on iTunes [audio mp3="