Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #87: EFT For Shoulders And Shoulds w/ Gwenn Bonnell



In preparing for the podcast I usually exchange a few emails and do a pre-interview with the guest to figure out what topic we will cover and to create a plan for the interview so that it goes smoothly. When I was doing my pre-interview with Gwenn Bonnell I asked her what she wanted to talk about. She said, "We could talk about shoulders and shoulds." I asked her repeat it because I wanted to make sure I heard her right. She really said, “shoulders and shoulds”. I know many issues have a tendency to show up in the same part of the body over and over again, but I had never heard of the connection between shoulder issues and the things we feel we should do. In this interview Gwenn does an amazing job of making the connection and showing us how we can respond with EFT.