Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Where To Start An EFT Session (Pod #194)



One of the most common questions I receive is “Where should I start? I have so many issues to tap on that I feel paralyzed. What should I do?” This is a great question. The truth is there is no one place to start, but it is much more important that you do start. I know how intimidating tapping can feel the first time you are trying it on your own. You want to get it exactly right. You feel self conscious because you it feel and looks weird. As you do it, you will feel more comfortable. As you feel more comfortable, it will be easier to do. In this week’s podcast I have for you a process that is great for new and experienced tappers alike. For new tappers it will provide a great guide to help you get your feet under you. For experienced tappers it will help to uncover new issues that need to be tapped on. To do this process you will need to go to EFTSetupPhraseGenerator.com/ Listen to the podcast first, then go to the site to try it out.