Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #208: EFT For Emotional First Aid w/ Jondi Whitis



33% Off Pain Relief Miracle One of the reasons that we love tapping so much is its versatility. Because we can use tapping in so many different settings it can often be confusing to know exactly how to tap in a given moment. For example, there is a huge difference between tapping with someone who is emotional in a public setting versus working with a client one-on-one in the safety of a practitioner's private office. Our primary goal when tapping with someone in a public setting or when we have limited time to deal with an issue is to return the person we are working with to a state of calm. By doing this we can keep them safe and also avoid uncovering a bigger issue that can't be resolved in the moment. Jondi Whitis has created a wonderful process, which she refers to as emotional first aid, which is a systematic way of helping someone to an emotionally safe space in public or in a short amount of time. In this week's podcast she shares how the process came about and how you can ensure that you are tapping w