Bang On The Strillers

#10 - Alexis Dubus



Before UK comedian Alexis Dubus caused an international stir with a measured, and initially private, Facebook post about the Adelaide Fringe glut, I was chasing the sparkly-eyed UK dynamo for a podcast chat. How fortunate, for it makes me look incredibly relevant. This cabaret podcast, we chat about the fall-out from his post, the perils of independent arts, strange encounters in Perth, passionate people with odd but grand ideas, and how to argue with a guy who has a rabbit on his knob.  Alexis Dubus (aka Marcel Lucont) is an award-winning UK performer who has been traipsing the Australian and UK Fringe circuits for almost a decade, which means we would run into each other maybe twice a year (back when I did Edinburgh Fringe more often...I know, I'm sorry guys, I've not been over for way too long...). He's a very fine wordsmith, a very funny performer, a resourceful artist, a great photographer, and a mischievous imp, as you will hear.    If you, like us, love odd corners of the world and people who have a dr