Bang On The Strillers

#21 - Casey Bennetto



  What accent does your dog have? Would 'Wuthering Heights' have been even better if Bronte had incorporated an alien abduction into the plot? How expensive IS working with a band? And wait - HOW many nieces/nephews does Quinn have now??? Recorded on the historic day of the US presidential election/birth of my latest family member (take your pick as to which is better for the world at large), join myself and Helpmann-award-winning super-music-hero Casey Bennetto (Keating! The Musical, A Swingin' Bella Christmas, The Terminativity The Narelles, and all-round in-demand dramaturg, writer, MC, performer and beloved local scenester) as we splash around in pre-apocalyptic bliss, discussing the pitfalls of performance, dogs, The 12 Keys of Christmas, Tasmania, loving the art while having problems with the artist, SO many elections, the delicious image of Mark Trevorrow (Bob Downe) and Julie Gillard on the piss in New York, Neil Hannon, performance personas (and Bowie obviously), writer's block solutions, Dave Allen,