Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

169 Overworked and Over It: Transforming Tight Time Constraints & Toxic Time Pressure (#2 of 3)



Time. It's one of those things that we all wish we had more of, and one of those things that contributes to the every day pressure we feel under. But did you ever... consider that time is a human made system? Or notice that many of the deadlines, must-get-done-by's, and must-do-this-nows put on us by others or generated by ourselves are in many cases preferences or unnecessary time constraints?  I have spent ALOT of time thinking about time - lol. Going deeper underneath to find the roots of the pressure, burnout, stress, anxiety and driving forces that force us to work and operate in crazy-paced, unrealistic ways.  As I was writing Overwhelmed and Over It, I wrote 20,000 words on Liberating ourselves from the time constraints and toxic time pressures that are just not necessary. We've just accepted the pace and pressure of how we work as normal but it's anything but 'normal' for a healthy planet and healthy humans.  For this podcast, Transforming Tight Time Constraints & Toxic Time Pressure (#2 of 3 in o