Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 8 Liz and Alissa Make Bullet Journals



Subtitle: Dear Diary, Why is Liz Making Me Do This? Straight to number 8, with a bullet! We've made bullet journals people, or at least one of us has. Find out which one, what a bullet journal actually is (maybe?), what Liz regularly eats for breakfast and what our very special guest did on March 16, 2017. Plus we talk a lot about Chex mix juice. Keywords/possible drinking game: Chex mix juice, my monthly, dear diary   The Bull-jit-jo In a shaker combine: Juice of one lime 15 mint leaves 20 blackberries 1 Tbsp sugar 4 oz Bulleit bourbon Crush the berries a little bit with a muddle or wooden spoon. Add ice and shake vigorously. Strain. Pour over ice and top with a splash of ginger beer.   Links The official Bullet Journal website. This is a good place to start. You can read about the basics but I found the most helpful thing was to watch a couple videos so you can really see things put in action. This is the video from the official site and I also found this video very helpful. We both bought fancy pants L