Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 26 - Liz and Alissa Make Bread (No Dicks, Just Plaits)



This episode is ostensibly about bread but somehow we manage to talk about dicks WAY too many times. Sofie, skip this one for sure. We also talk about children's literature, Finnish comfort food, Japanese reality tv and candy that does not at all look like candy. Also, Quincy, the world's hungriest cat update! And if you can't come to our live show, find out how you can still participate from wherever you are, May 19! Also, get tickets to our live show. They're free!!!!! May 19! Challah ‘bout that ‘barb For the rhubarb simple syrup: 1.5 cups water 1.5 cups sugar Large bunch of rhubarb, chopped into one inch pieces. Combine sugar, water and chopped rhubarb in a small pot. Bring to a boil then cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain through a mesh strainer, pressing the rhubarb pulp with a spoon.   For the cocktail (makes 2): In a cocktail shaker full of ice, combine three shots of gin, five tablespoons of rhubarb simple syrup and shake until chilled. Pour into two champagne flutes and top with champagne or o