Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 28 - Liz and Alissa Make Scrubs and Balms (Medium Love From Me)



We’ve acquired some of that sweet millennial heat from our guest, Julia Williams, to pamper (?) ourselves with homemade scrubs and lip balms. I know what you’re thinking, have they not learned their lesson after the make-up and the face masks?  What can we say, we just love putting food on our faces! Also, what else are we going to do with this 5x lifetime supply of beeswax pellets? Julia can be found on Instagram @alchemytea And on the web at: As well as at: The Lip Bomb.Com Berry Ginger Gin Cocktail (We doubled the ginger in the simple syrup and 1.5x the syrup in each cocktail)   Facial Scrubs Tomato Face Scrub Coffee Face Scrub Julia’s book was “Homemade Beauty”. It’s easily google-able and also not great.   Julia’s Scrub recipe: ½ cup coarse sea salt 3 tsp virgin coconut oil 3 tsp virgin olive oil Juice from ½ lemon Mix salt and oil until thoroughly blended, then mix in the lemon juice Lip Balms Burt’s Bees Imitation Lip Balm Julia’s Balm rec