Muse Ecology

#15 Professor Millan Millan: The Second Leg of Climate Change



"Water begets water, soil is the womb, and vegetation is the midwife." -Professor Millan Millan In this episode we learn about what Professor Millan Millan calls "the second leg of human-induced climate change":  how our land use changes lead to major disruptions of weather and climate patterns, independently of changes due to warming from carbon emissions.  As Millan shares, the international scientific community has known for fifty years that anthropogenic climate change has two legs:  greenhouse gases and surface property changes due to land use change.  While business and politics have assimilated the greenhouse gas narrative, addressing the climate effects of our land use will require far more fundamental changes. In these conversations with Professor Millan, we'll hear about the processes involved in the land use leg of climate change, and how we can act to address it. As I mention in the introduction, this episode is a bit long, around two and a half hours, since I wanted to include as much as possible