Turn Em Loose- Bird Dogs And Bird Hunting

Hunting Wisconsin Ruffed Grouse October 2021. Busting brush and chasing Ruffs in Wisconsin.



This is a great year for Wisconsin Grouse (2021). While I've never been able to figure out when the good years are coming, I listen intently when the announcement is made for a good year in the offing.  I loaded my four Brits into the Beast, and headed for my old haunts in the the Great Northwards. Many years ago, an old birdhunter told me I should go to Wisconsin.  "But, Randy, it's not like hunting anywhere else.  The woods are thick, and a dog that runs off may disappear for good!  Make sure your dog listens, and is smart enough to find you."  That was a long time before GPS collars, but the sentiment is the same.  Don't hunt this area with a young, inexperienced puppy. Every year, I hear stories and see the flyers about young dogs that took off.  Almost always, they find their way to a house, or another hunter, and they are returned.  But, save yourself the heartache, and make sure your dog is seasoned and will listen.  Use a GPS collar, and take a good, old manual compass with you to navigate back to the