Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

When Hospitality Gets Personal



In his last moments of life, Jesus Christ offered forgiveness to some undeserving folks—those who crucified him, along with a thief hanging next to him on the cross. He opened a door for people living far from God to come home and be reconciled with the Father with whom they had broken trust. How do those around you pick up on God’s lavish hospitality toward those who have gone their own way and are cut off from a relationship with God? Who might he have you extend forgiveness—and hospitality—toward today? QUESTIONS 1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? 2. Tell about a time since this series started when you’ve tried to be more hospitable. 3. Is hospitality a virtue you associate with God? Why is the work of Jesus Christ giving his life on the cross a demonstration of God’s hospitality? 4. When Christ-followers practice hospitality, they model the heart of God. How does this serve as the primary motivation for hospitality? 5. What does your current lifestyle communicate about G