Nasfaa's Off The Cuff Podcast

OTC AskRegs Experts: New R2T4 Rules and How NCAA’s EFA Guidance Impacts Aid Offices



This week on “Off the Cuff” we’re bringing listeners a new podcast format featuring in-depth discussion with NASFAA staff on the latest pressing regulatory topics and questions. Justin is joined by NASFAA Policy Analyst Jill Desjean and NASFAA U Instructor David Tolman to discuss how a rule from the Department of Education on distance learning changed the treatment of return of Title IV funds in term-based programs that offer modules. David addresses some of the questions he and his team are receiving on the topic before Jill details recent guidance on how student athletes’ academic scholarships could affect their estimated financial assistance and what aid offices should be aware of. Listeners, we want to hear from you! Leave us a comment and let us know what topics you want covered on future episodes.