Mission-minded Families With Ann Dunagan

Philippians 2: Aiming our Arrows - to walk with God



In today's episode, we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study going through the Book of Philippians, in Chapter 2, verses 1-30. We talk about the surrendered life of Jesus, coming to earth and going to the CROSS out of love for this world, and raising our children to follow His example. Key thoughts include the power of the Name of Jesus (and teaching our kids to pray "in Jesus' Name"), living lives with self-sacrifice and total surrender to God, obeying God when no one is looking, and as a mission-minded family, the importance of honoring those who have sacrificed for the sake of the Gospel. We also look at the 2nd part of the ARROW, the 3-vein "fletching," which allows the arrow to spin in flight with accuracy and stability -- representing the importance of training our children to have a personal living and vibrant relationship with our God (the Trinity): God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.   "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of