Shot By Brock

Ep. 60 Kim Forrester: Exploring The Infinite Mind



There’s far more that we don’t know about the universe than we do know. Sure we have a basic understanding of physics, of biology, mathematics, and the big brains at CERN are working hard exploring the smallest building blocks of existence, from quarks to gluons, bosons, and leptons. But beyond the measurable, beyond that tangible knowledge that makes the light come on when we flick the switch, that makes the wheels turn when we get in our cars, there is the less tangible. There are near infinite unknowns that we have yet to even encounter in our exploration of existence, as well as other things that we are very aware of, which are very real, but which are less easy to quantify. The feelings stirred up by a piece of music. The sense of amazement at a beautiful sunrise. All the things that make us angry, make us happy, fill us with joy, with love, with frustration, or sadness. These more ethereal - more spiritual - facets of human existence, are nonetheless just as real as the quantifiable aspects of life and,