Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Suicide By Semi Truck



SUICIDE BY SEMI TRUCK. Over 45,000 people commit suicide every year In the United States. Over 1.3 million people attempt suicide which means there are allot of people that feel they are in a dark place. Employees At Highest Risk For Work-Related Suicide: Law enforcement officers, firefighters, and detectivesSoldiers throughout service branchesFarmers, fishery, and forestry workersInstallation, maintenance, automotive, and repair techniciansTruck drivers and laborersManagement, business, and financial operation positionsJanitors, cleaners, and landscapers As you can see, in the list above, trucking rates number 5 on the list of of highest rate of work related suicides. Truckers are alone on the road and being alone can make you feel lonely. Truck drivers put weeks on end alone in a small cabin with nothing to do but think. Loneliness and being away from immediate family can chat depression. If you know a trucker that seems to not be himself, please get help. If you notice your trucker friend act