Leigh Martinuzzi

1011 Dr. Gleb Tsipursky - Future-Proofing



Future-Proofing Making good decisions to help us improve our lives and protect ourselves from future uncertainties is becoming more and more relevant today. Dr. Gleb suggests we should never rely on our intuition and explains why. We then talk about his new book and how the common workplace is rapidly becoming one of hybrid and remote teams. The way we manage this transition is critical and if done incorrectly may be costly, already experienced by BIG companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon. While many leaders have a preference for in-person work research conclusively demonstrates that those employees who can do so have a strong preference to work remotely much of their time, and a large minority of them all of the time. Moreover, remote workers show substantial productivity gains, cost savings, and risk mitigation. Mental blindspots called cognitive biases often inhibit leaders in seeing this clear conclusion. Guest Bio. Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is an internationally-renowned thought leader in future-proofing