Giving Up Normal

4 Mistakes Leaders Make When Creating Margin [EP:106]



"Margin is the space between our load and our limits." -Dr. Swenson We all need margin. We were built for it. We need margin from things like being in change, constant activity, overwork, noise, running around, the news, and social media. We also need margin set aside for things like rest, relationships, play, silence, God, eating uninterrupted, processing our feelings, and moving our bodies. We want margin but sometimes we struggle to make it a reality in life. Here are some reasons why. 4 Mistakes Ministry Leaders Make When Creating Margin  They don’t have a vision. They know they can’t keep doing it the same way but they don’t know what they want and if you don’t know the target, you’ll miss it every time.     They rarely evaluate. They rarely reflect and see if they are living into that vision. Did they honor the commitments they made to the things that mattered most? Did They spend their time the way they wanted to? What worked well? What got in the way?   They are looking for a quick fix. Making margin