Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

83. How to Nurture Your Team During a Period of Epic Burnout



Several years ago, the Director of the London School of Economics, Monouche Shafik said, “In the past, jobs were about muscles. Now they’re about brains, but in the future they’ll be about the heart”. I believe that the future she referred to is now. The data shows us that people are leaving the workforce in droves due to extreme burnout and exhaustion. As a leader, there are things you can do to reverse the epic burnout your team or those you serve are facing.    It’s time to put your energy towards cultivating a work culture that cares and appreciates your employees for more than just their results. I have five specific steps you can begin taking today that will let your team know they are seen, appreciated, and respected. These steps decrease uncertainty and increase trust. As trust increases, confidence increases which increases bottom lines. Show Notes: Connect with Rita on Instagram @rita_hyland_coaching