Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

101: The 3 Biggest LIES You’re Believing that Joining a Gym Will Give You | Results, Motivation & Accountability



It’s “proven” picture after picture through social media that if you want physical results, motivation, and accountability you need a gym. But IS this really true? Is a gym absolutely required if you are wanting these things? In today’s episode, we go over the three biggest lies you’re believing when it comes to getting a physical transformation, receiving motivation, and obtaining accountability through joining a gym. Ready to turn those lies into truths right here, right now? Put on your earbuds and press play. Let’s go! Stay Courageous & Fit for His Kingdom, Jaclyn ************* Who are we kidding? As followers of Jesus, it’s easy to get comfortable and do what everyone else is doing! Even though we know that this world is not our home it’s easy to conform to its customs and patterns. And unless we spend time in the quiet with the Lord and examine our true reasons for getting healthy and fit, we will keep pursuing worldly motivations and expectations of the culture and not realize that it was sucking o