Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Welcome to God's House



Who are the most hospitable people you know? How do their acts of kindness make people feel? If others find belonging and feel welcomed through acts of hospitality, then we are living out who we are made in God’s image. For hospitality is God’s thing. He wants you and me to invite others through opening our lives and our homes so they feel welcome to God’s Home. QUESTIONS 1. Can you recount a time when you felt out of place or lost, and someone took time to welcome you and gain your footing? What did that feel like? How did it change you? 2. Who are the most hospitable people you know? What are the kinds of things they do to demonstrate this welcoming demeanor and caring spirit to others? 3. Have you ever looked at God as the ultimate host, showing hospitality to others in creation? 4. If you were to list 3 or more things you could do to demonstrate hospitality, what would be on your list? Who would be the recipients of your hospitality? 5. Commit to doing one thing on the list this week.