Future Jam

Super Duper Jam



This weeks jam: Netflix botched the Seinfeld release, scientists held a fat bear contest, GM announced Ultra Cruise, Uber can now track your flight, and a slew of other stories. Dumb Tech of the Week Seinfeld' hits Netflix, but some jokes have been cropped out of view- Link Lime fights back against QR code snatchers- Link Is that bear fat or just chonky? Lasers may help scientists find out-  Tech News Bytes How and when to upgrade to Windows 11- Link Tesla is building Model Y bodies with single front and rear castings, a manufacturing first- Link GM unveils a hands-free driving system that works in nearly all of the US and Canada- Link Google turns its AI on traffic lights to reduce pollution- Link European Parliament backs ban on remote biometric surveillance- Link Uber can now track your flight so a ride home is ready when you land-Link