Creative Destruction - Honest Conversations About Farming, Business, And Life

025 - The Myth of the Perfect Job with John Kitsteiner



John Kitsteiner of Temperate Climate Permaculture joins me to discuss his series of blog posts, The Myth of the Perfect Job. So many of us are stuck in the rat race. We want to be farmers, homesteaders, or something else that involves working closer to home, and not for the man. But we never end up doing that. Why? I think people are either afraid to take a risk and start, or they don't know where to start. This podcast should start to address both of those issues and at least get you thinking. Key Takeaways from this Episode: Be careful of the danger of just pursuing your passion. At the end of the day you have to make a living and get some sort of yield for your work. Balance: Biological, physical, social, spiritual health. Most people focus on one or two areas, not all. Consider this when pursuing a career path. Start looking for a career where your passion and skills overlap. Then start adding in what does the world need (will they pay for it) and does it have meaning to your own life. Think about if a ne