Unbecoming With Phoebe Mroczek

The New IQ | How Multi-Passionate Entrepreneurs Find Focus



If you've ever described yourself as "multi-passionate", or been told to niche down but felt conflicted about which direction to move in... If you've ever struggled to have ONE goal, chase ONE dream or start just ONE business... If you've ever made a career decision or transition and doubted yourself the whole time, maybe until today... This episode is for you. And maybe you've always known your path. Maybe you've felt clear and focused since the moment you read about this profession, problem or idea. If that's you, I'm happy for ya... and maybe a little envious. As a recovering perfectionist and multi-passionate entrepreneur, I have wrestled nearly my whole life with the idea of choosing just one thing to work on at a time. Is it possible for people like us to change? Is it necessary? In this episode, I discuss what I believe is the answer to the multi-passionate question. I may even go back on a belief I held and shared on the show a few seasons ago. Stay around to the end where I tell you exactly how you c