Geek Force Ultra

Doctor Strange (1978) & Doctor Mordrid (1992) - Ep. 04



With the release of 2016's Doctor Strange on the horizon, GFU remembers a simpler time when studios wouldn't touch a Marvel property with a $165-Million-dollar-budget-pole. Will these Ancient relics of Marvel Studios hold a candle to Benedict Cumberbach's Inception-Inspired Magnum Opus? 01:50 - Review of Doctor Strange (1978) Directed by Phillip DeGuere Jr., Starring Peter Hooten as Doctor Strange & Jessica Walter as Morgan LeFay 33:30 - Review of Doctor Mordrid (1992) Directed by Albert & Charles Band, Starring Jeffery Combs as Doctor Mordrid in this unlicensed adaptation of Dr. Strange.  Warning - It was impossible not to use foul language while reviewing these movies. Our apologies to Stan Lee. Let us know what you thought of these films on Twitter @Geekforceultra.